How to improve your resume (CV)

Before you are called for a job interview, your resume (CV) is a reflection of your personality and abilities, or rather, your face....
How to improve your resume (CV)
How to improve your resume (CV)

Before you are called for a job interview, your resume (CV) is a reflection of your personality and abilities, or rather, your face.

It is said that "the first impression is really the last impression," so you should try to make your first impression, i.e., your resume, so impressive that the company is impressed with you and is forced to call you for an interview.

When your resume reaches the hands of the Human Resource (HR) department of any organization, it takes only 10 to 12 seconds to decide whether your resume meets the requirements of the vacant position at the organization or not. No.

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That's why today we're going to give you some top tips to make your resume impressive through this blog, which will help you leave a deep impression in those 10 seconds of resume screening.

We can think of this effect as if you are driving somewhere in your car and suddenly you see an attractive advertisement on a billboard. In the same way, you have to add something attractive to your resume so that the viewer understands at a glance what message the resume writer is trying to convey.

Make your resume a brochure, not a newspaper

Due to a lack of formal knowledge, we put all the information on a resume that may not be needed, because we think that the fuller the CV, the more lively it will be. Not at all. The fact is that writing too much on a resume is actually a negative. The more content, the more confusing and difficult it is for the reader to understand. Ask yourself, is reading a newspaper or a brochure more difficult? After all, your resume is your brochure, so it should have plenty of white space to keep the reader interested and engaged.

Short but effective

Your resume should be short but effective. As we have mentioned above, it takes 10 to 12 seconds to read a resume, so our first effort should be to ensure that the readers see what they want in those 10 seconds. If not, it is possible that they will settle for spending more time on your resume.

Remember that if your resume is three pages long and the first page is full of your personal introduction rather than the work items (i.e., experience and education), then this item may not hold the reader's interest. I will try to keep the resume short. If you are looking for a job for the first time and this is your first work experience, a one-page resume is enough. If you have been employed for 5 to 10 years, one and a half to two pages, and more than fifteen years, go for three pages only if you have the above experience, but remember, in no case should resumes exceed three pages.

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Another important thing about this is that instead of giving your personal introduction at the beginning, you can delete it. Giving out too much personal information in this day and age can not only be detrimental to you but also be a burden on your resume. So no one needs your age, ID card number, marital status, or passport number when you send your resume to job-seeking agencies, so delete such information and shorten your resume. This is an excellent way to begin the day. This information may be requested from you later if required.

Also, we often make the mistake of writing our job responsibilities (i.e., job description) in paragraphs with too much detail, which makes it difficult for the reader to quickly scan your resume, so to make it short and interesting to read, you should write them in the form of points and also limit these points to only 5 to 7 points.

Remember that even if you have done 100 jobs during your career, there is no need to detail all of them here, but only mention the responsibilities that are most important. This way, your experience section will not only be short but also interesting to read. If you are an old and experienced employee, focus more on your current job and keep details of past experiences as brief as possible.

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Limit your educational information to the most recent two degrees. If you have a master's, then only write "master's" and "graduation details." When you have a master's and have been working for years, companies are not interested. Where did you graduate from? So this is extra information, so please delete it.


Many people think that putting a picture on a resume is not necessary. This. This was true until some time ago, but with the excessive use of social media, now every computer user needs to put a person's name on it. It feels strange not to see his picture. So definitely add a photo to your resume, but make sure it is a professional portrait. You will find many examples of professional portraits on Google. It can be used on a resume.

Use of keywords

A keyword is a word that describes your complete job profile in one word. For example, if your experience is in sales, suitable keywords for you would be sales, marketing, customer handling, compliance management, etc. When the person in charge of the HR department reads your resume, at a glance they will try to find the same words, i.e., keywords. If they see it, your resume will pass, but if these keywords are lost from their eyes due to not using them properly, it is very possible that your resume will be rejected. Try to find keywords and use them as much as possible in your resume.

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Similarly, if the company's HR is using software or a website, such as LinkedIn, then, of course, effective use of these keywords can get you in front of them, but underuse of these keywords will. It can also push you into the background.

Career Objectives

Many people overlook this important point of the resume, but the fact is that if your career objective, which is the first part of the resume, impresses the reader, the chances of the rest of the resume will increase. The document will also win her heart. Many people copy and paste the objective statement, which is a big mistake, so when the reader first looks at the statement, based on his experience, he knows that it is a copy-paste, and thus his mind is used. This does not make a good impression on the applicant, because of whom he does not feel the need to pay more attention to him.

You'll need to take the time to craft a two-or-two-or three-line statement, consider what your purpose is for getting into this field and applying to this company, and then keep that purpose in mind. Write a few-line statement that is concise, effective, and factual. Note that this statement may be different for different companies.


While creating a resume, be sure to keep relevance in mind; that is, the experience you include in the resume must be relevant to the relevant job title. The education and qualifications you listed should match each other. Even in occupations, describe your hobbies that are somehow related to the potential responsibilities of the position. Even in occupations, describe your hobbies that are somehow related to the potential responsibilities of the position.

Irrelevant things will only add weight to your resume without adding any value to it. For example, if I am applying for a teaching job and I do public speaking in my profession, it will be of great benefit. Similarly, benefits Similarly, if I am applying in sales and I do meet new people in my profession, this will also be a job. It will be very beneficial.

The last The last and most important thing is that your resume is a living document. It's not a document that, once made, is good for life, but every few days you must look at it to see how you can improve it. can go? How can its language and expression be altered? How can its language and expression be altered? How can new courses be added to it? And how can it be made more comprehensive?

Also remember that a resume is not the same for every job opening. Edit your resume according to the position you are applying for, removing or relegating things that are not relevant to the position, while highlighting the things that are relevant to the position. Edit your resume according to the position you are applying for, removing or relegating things that are not relevant to the position, while highlighting the things that are relevant to the position.

Hopefully, you will notice a noticeable difference in the response to your resume when you follow the above guidelines.

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