
Japan has started issuing visas to Pakistanis under the Technical Intern Training program

Tokyo, Japan, has started issuing visas to skilled Pakistanis under the Technical Intern Training system. According to the details, there has been pr…

Should we keep waiting for the government jobs

What are the causes of unemployment in Pakistan, this is a separate topic and can be discussed in detail, long articles can be written. But will this…

Maarif Foundation of Turkey | officially took over the management of Pakistani Turkish schools

As an international student, obtaining a student visa is essential for any country you wish to study in. Just like the Canada visa, the USA visa, and…

Types of Education | Classification and characteristics

Education is a process by which the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, or attitudes is facilitated. Education occurs in different contexts, ma…

The Higher Education Department has announced the upcoming e-transfer policy

The Department of Higher Education Punjab has announced the policy for the future exchange, according to which some categories of e-transfer have be…

Higher Education Aptitude Test

Higher Education Aptitude Test Higher Education Commission has announced the Higher Education Aptitude Test Registration Schedule. This test is condu…

How to improve your resume (CV)

How to improve your resume (CV) Before you are called for a job interview, your resume (CV) is a reflection of your personality and abilities, or rat…

Take essential steps for better educational outcomes

Take essential steps for better educational outcomes In the modern system of educating students, where the curriculum is given importance, special c…

How to prepare for solving papers in exams

How to prepare for solving papers in exams The availability of information at all times has made it easier for students. Earlier, the majority of the…
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