The Higher Education Department has announced the upcoming e-transfer policy

The Department of Higher Education Punjab has announced the policy for the future exchange, according to which some categories of e-transfer have been
The Department of Higher Education Punjab has announced the policy for the future exchange, according to which some categories of e-transfer have been created, number one. Open merit, number two. Reciprocal exchange, number three. Three more sub-categories are further created on the basis of humanitarianism.

1. A copy of the certificate obtained from the Social Welfare Department for disability must be provided

2. Widow-For this, the husband's death certificate issued by NADRA has to be provided

3. The concerned person has to provide the divorce certificate issued by the insolvent category four.

On the basis of marriage For this, you will have to provide copies of your marriage certificate and your partner's identity cards.

No documentary evidence is required for the first two categories. The following procedure has been fixed for e-Transfer:

The fixed number of the data types for making merit has been fixed Five marks for doctoral degree holders and MPhil holders Marks While MA/MSc holders will be given one mark, in the case of working in other stations, two marks will be given, for a maximum of ten marks on a per year basis.

In the case of working on hard areas, one mark per year will be given by the Higher Education Department in the case of working on hard areas, but a maximum of ten marks.

Two marks for Widow/Divorcee/Disability.

TwoTwo marks will be given on the basis of marriage The following rules and regulations have been laid down for online transfers Candidate names are listed alphabetically.

One can choose only one of the four categories. B. Use the same designation when applying for all categories. Grades must be relevant to the subject The following subjects will be treated as physical education, health, and physical education. Computer Science and Information Technology. Islamiat and Islamic Studies English. English Literature and English as a Second Language Urdu, the Urdu language and literature. Journalism and mass communication E-Transfers to government colleges are eligible for exchange.

Those working as principals cannot apply for exchange Applicants on open merit must have a minimum tenure of two years but not more than two years The condition will be applicable to open merit only and not applicable to the other three categories.

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