Jobs in two banks | 5 major cities of Pakistan jobs

This page informs our users about Meezan Bank Jobs 2022, which may be applied for online at We update this page with all the..
First Meezan Bank Job Details

In today's history in Pakistan, jobs have been announced in two major banks, the details of which are given below.

Meezan Bank Jobs 2022: Apply Online

This page informs our users about Meezan Bank Jobs 2022, which may be applied for online at We update this page with all the upcoming job openings announced by Meezan Bank on this website post.

We mostly collect this information from the official website of Meezan Bank and its social media pages. Interested candidates looking for banking jobs are requested to stay in touch with this page of PK Jobs Update.

Currently, Meezan Bank has announced its latest recruitment through its official website. Meezan Bank is hiring a call center officer, a premium relationship manager, a customer relationship officer, an assistant manager of finance, and a client services officer. This job is based in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, and Sialkot.

Applications are invited from highly qualified, dynamic, energetic, and competent professionals to fill the vacancies. Candidates with the ACCA, a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and relevant field experience can apply. Detailed eligibility criteria can be viewed through the official career portal of Meezan Bank.

Meezan Bank Jobs Advertisement 2022
Meezan Bank Jobs Advertisement 2022

Apply online for Meezan Bank Jobs 2022 through the website

Meezan Bank invites applications from interested and eligible candidates online through its official job portal,, or click here.


Call Center Officer

Premium Relationship Manager

Customer Relationship Officer

Assistant Manager of Finance

Client Services Officer

Qualification, Education, and Experience of Vacancies

Qualifications of a Call Center Officer

minimum bachelor's degree from a reputed university. (Up to 30 years of age) experience

Fresher (candidates with experience can also apply) Job Responsibilities

Provide 24/7 customer service over the phone.

Fulfilling customer banking requests, answering or escalating customer queries and complaints regarding products and services, and maintaining a strong communication channel with branches and head office departments across the globe

Skills and Knowledge:

communication skills (good fluency in Urdu and English).

good interpersonal skills.

able to work under pressure and in shifts.

excellent customer service skills. Department:

Alternative Distribution Channel (ADC)


Head Office Karachi

due date:

March 20, 20222

Premium Relationship Manager Qualification

at least a bachelor's degree (master's degree equivalent) from a recognized university.


a minimum of 5 years of experience in a relationship management role. (Prerequisite for shortlisting) Job Responsibilities.

managing top customer relationships in the premium banking segment.

extending the banking needs of premium customers.

Creating business opportunities through referrals and NCT working skills and knowledge through new custom CRM onboarding

excellent understanding of retail banking

Strung Interpersonal. Marking and Portfolio Management Skills Department

Premium Banking (Retail Banking Group)








due date:

21 February 2022

Heads' budgeting.

Provide advisory support for planning initiatives through the analysis of financial and management information.

Prepare the bank's periodic MIS reports to analyze the performance of the business units and support the skills and knowledge of the DC department.

Proficiency in Office Excel and Power Point Strong analytical skills

ability to train junior staff working in franchise finance.


Head Office Karachi

due date:

February 21, 2022

Client Services Officer qualifications

minimum bachelor's degree in business or finance from a recognized university.


At least two years of experience in a similar or customer implementation role with job responsibility Be the point of contact for developing cash management and advanced customer relationships.

Provide dedicated client support services to a portfolio of advanced relationships and improve the bank's competitiveness in the same area.

Ensure that post-implementation queries related to the cash management system are resolved without any delay, and handle customer queries and products on various cash management products and resolve them in a timely manner to ensure customer satisfaction.

Identify and implement local and regional improvement initiatives to improve productivity.

Ensure that customer transactions are processed in a timely manner.

Ensure reconciliation at the end of the day.

skills and knowledge:

general banking knowledge.

Relationship management.

Timeline Management.


Stress management.

Customer Interaction Department: Payments and Cash Management, Corporate and Institutional Banking Group






Last date: February 24, 2022.

2nd Bank of Khyber Jobs 2022 Information

Bank of Khyber BOK Jobs 2022 for Pakistanis:

The provincial government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa manages the Bank of Khyber. The Bank of Khyber Bok Jobs 2022 were recently announced. Candidates who are interested in future job opportunities should keep an eye on this page. Bank of Punjab jobs are also recommended for banking job seekers.

Bank of Khyber Jobs Advertisement Latest
Bank of Khyber Jobs Advertisement Latest

Bank of Khyber has announced exciting recruitment opportunities such as Head E-Learning, Credit Analyst, Manager Recovery, Relationship Manager, Retail Banking Officer, Cash Officer, Manager, Trade Officer, Branch Manager, and Senior Product Manager.

Candidates are advised to check the eligibility criteria before applying for any post.

Eligible candidates should go to the link below and apply at within 15 days of seeing this advertisement. Candidates interested in applying for the above posts should have a bachelor's or master's degree with at least 3–10 years of post-qualification experience in the relevant domain. The maximum age limit for the posts is 35 years, and no age relaxation will be given to any candidate.

The Bank of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is run by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which was originally based in Peshawar. The bank was established in 1991 and was then owned by the state. So far, it is the most successful provincial bank in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Bank of Khyber offers services in all commercial sectors as well as Islamic banking, microfinance, and other traditional methods. It has a large network of 191 branches throughout Pakistan. The bank is actively involved in the development of both the province and the country.

Bank of Khyber offers an excellent opportunity for individuals to work in an environment that focuses specifically on employee growth and development with competitive salary plans that include all other medical and bonus benefits provided by the provincial government. designed with facilities.

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