Latest Jobs in LRH Peshawar Lady Reading Hospital Jobs 2023

You can access recently launched Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar Jobs 2023 on this post. We post all the vacancies at Lady Reading Hospital (LRH.
You can access recently launched Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar Jobs 2023 on this post. We post all the vacancies at Lady Reading Hospital (LRH), a medical teaching facility in Peshawar.

Professionals who are interested and have the necessary training and skills are encouraged to offer their services to LRH-MTI in Peshawar. We have got the latest job posting from Daily Express.

A Senior Finance Director, Assistant Manager, Purchase Officer, Telephone Operator, Quantity Surveyor, and Painter are among the positions that MTI Peshawar is looking for. This appointment has been made pursuant to an agreement.

Eligibility requirements for these roles include High School Diploma, DAE, Intermediate Degree, CA, ACMA, MBA, Master's Degree in relevant subject, and relevant work experience. The vacancy notice briefly outlines the eligibility requirements below.

Originally posted on: January 2023
Place: Peshawar
Education: Matric, Intermediate, DAE, Master, ACMA, CA
Closing Date: January 17, 2023
Unfilled positions: 05
Organization: Lady Reading Hospital - LRH
Address: Hospital Director, HR Department, LRH-MTI, Peshawar

Opportunities Available:

Telephone Operator
Assistant Manager
Senior Finance Director
Quantity Surveyor
Purchase Officer

How Do You Apply?

On the official LRH website,, or by clicking here, you may find application forms and job descriptions.

The only applications that will be accepted are those that are submitted via the form found at the specified link.

Applications must be submitted with authenticated copies of all required paperwork.

Interested individuals should address their applications to the Hospital Director, HR Department at Lady Reading Hospital, MTI, Peshawar.

Applicants must submit their applications by January 17, 2023.

Payment of the application processing fee is required. If not, applications won't be taken into consideration for employment.
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