lyari general hospital jobs for sindh residents in 2023

Wafa JobShaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College, Lyari, Government Lyari General Hospital in the medical sector will be available for Sindh re

Jobs at Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College, Lyari, Government Lyari General Hospital in the medical sector will be available for Sindh residents in 2023. Lyari General Hospital Karachi Jobs 2023).

Employment possibilities are available to residents of Sindh Province at the Government Lyari General Hospital. To fill both teaching and non-teaching faculty positions, the capable hospital is searching for highly qualified, experienced, and motivated people.

Originally posted on:27th January 2023
Place:Karachi, Sindh
Education:MBBS, FCPS, MS, MD
Closing Date:February 11, 2023
Unfilled positions:Multiple
Organization:Lyari General Hospital
Address:Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College Lyari, Lyari General Hospital, Karachi

Opportunities Available:

Assistant Professors

Associate Professors



Senior Registrars

The Government General Hospital in Lyari is hiring professors, associate professors, assistant professors, senior registrars, and demonstrators. The qualifying requirements outlined in the advertisement must be met by desired candidates who want to apply.

You may apply for these positions if you have an MS, MD, MBBS, FCPS, or M.Phil. qualification. All further experience and skill requirements assigned by the appropriate authority must be fulfilled.

They may also apply if they meet the requirements outlined in the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) Rules. The PMC's requirements for qualifying are listed on their website, which you must consult.

How Do You Apply?

1. The Lyari General Hospital in Karachi will accept applications from interested people who provide the necessary documentation.

2. Applications need to be sent to the specified address by the deadline or earlier (February 11, 2023).

3. The advertising includes detailed information on the application submission process and eligibility requirements.


lyari general hospital jobs for sindh residents in 2023

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