New Jobs Advertisement in National School of Public Policy NSPP Jobs 2023

We created this page to provide information to our visitors regarding the National School of Public Policy (NSPP) Jobs 2023. This advertisement is ann
We created this page to provide information to our visitors regarding the National School of Public Policy (NSPP) Jobs 2023. This advertisement is announced through the Daily Nawaiwaqt newspaper.
National School of Public Policy NSPP Lahore is a training and re-education institute for civil servants in Pakistan. The school provides a compulsory, four-level training course for civil servants throughout their careers. Policy-related, strategic, operational, and tactical training is imparted, starting with Basic Scale-18 officers and moving up to Basic Scale-20 officers at the highest levels of public policy-making.
The NSSP hires dynamic, qualified, and committed individuals for the vacant seats. Desired professionals from all over Pakistan are eligible to be selected for these positions. You can also get details regarding these vacancies on the NSPP website,

Originally posted on: 4th February 2023
Place: Lahore, Pakistan
Education: Literate, Primary, Middle, Matric, Intermediate, Bachelor, Ph.D
Closing Date: February 25, 2023
Unfilled positions: 62
Organization: National School of Public Policy
Address: Deputy Director HR, National School of Public Policy, C/o National Management College, Shahrah e Quaid E Azam, Mall Road, Lahore

The NSPP is hiring applications from appropriate human resources to fill the positions of dean, stenotypist, computer operator, UDC, LDC, cook, electrician, technician, driver, mess waiter, telephone operator, naib qasid, dish washer, farash, and chowkidar.

Desired individuals who wish to apply should meet the eligibility terms and conditions imposed by the NSSP. Candidates with primary, middle, matriculation, intermediate, bachelor’s, and doctoral degrees are eligible. The applicants must fulfil other skills and experience requirements.

Criteria for Dean:

Ph.D. in Public Policy, Economics, Finance, Management, Public Administration, HR Development, Law, Strategic & Security Studies, History, Political Sciences, or International Relations.
Twenty-two years of research, training, and teaching experience

Opportunities Available:

Telephone Operator
Naib Qasid
Mess Waiter
Dish Washer
Computer Operator

How Do You Apply?

1. Interested parties should submit written applications together with all the documentation listed in the advertisement.

2. The Deputy Director HR, National School of Public Policy, C/O National Management College, Shahrah e Quaid e Azam, Mall Road, Lahore, shall receive applications on the provided form.

3. The deadline for submitting applications with the necessary information and paperwork is February 25, 2023.

National School of Public Policy NSPP Jobs 2023 Advertisement

National School of Public Policy NSPP Jobs 2023 Advertisement

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