Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex Jobs 2023 | Apply this Email

We notified potential candidates looking for Heavy Mechanical Complex HMC Taxila Jobs 2023 that the HMC has published its most recent job announcement
We notified potential candidates looking for Heavy Mechanical Complex HMC Taxila Jobs 2023 that the HMC has published its most recent job announcement via this page.

We received this advertisement from the Daily Express for "Heavy Mechanical Complex Taxila Jobs 2023" at We have posted here all current and upcoming career opportunities announced by HMC Taxila.

Company Introduction:

About 30 kilometers north of Islamabad's capital city, in Taxila, you will find Pakistan's top maker of engineering equipment, Heavy Mechanical Complex Limited. With more than 160,000 square meters of covered facilities, it is a professionally run, forward-thinking enterprise.

It has the capacity to manage significant projects with strict deadlines. HMC offers manufacturing services on its own and at the client's request as the largest fabrication and machining plant with cutting-edge technology.

With the assistance of famous engineering companies from across the world, HMC has vast expertise in developing and producing significant projects. Its entire processing infrastructure, including designing, fabrication, machining, casting, forging, heat treating, assembling, sandblasting, painting, galvanizing, etc., is housed internally.

for the following positions: assistant manager, networks, web development, civil maintenance, Jr. executive or supervisor IT, HR, coordination, accounts, HSE, quality inspectors, or junior supervisors. Jr. Draughtsman, Manager HSE, Manager Production Planning & Control, Manager Estate/Civil Maintenance, Manager HSE, Jr. Draughtsman, Manager HSE, Manager Estate/Civil Maintenance, Manager HSE, Jr.

These roles need highly motivated, experienced individuals with a master's, M.Ed., DAE, BS, BBA, bachelor's degree, master's degree, or MBA in the relevant field and at least 3 to 10 years of prior experience in those fields.

Originally posted on: 5th February 2023
Place: Pakistan
Education: DAE, Bachelor, Master, MBA, BBA
Closing Date: February 20, 2023
Unfilled positions: Multiple
Organization: Heavy Mechanical Complex - HMC
Address: Head HR, Heavy Mechanical Complex, Hattar Road, Taxila, Rawalpindi

Opportunities Available:

Assistant Manager - Civil Maintenance
Assistant Manager - Web Development
Assistant Manager Networks
Dy Manager - Commercial Business Unit
Dy. General Manager
Jr Draughtsman
Jr Executive/Supervisor IT
Manager Estate/Civil Maintenance
Manager HSE
Manager Production Planning & Control
Quality Inspectors/Junior Supervisors
Supervisor Accounts
Supervisor Coordination
Supervisor HR
Supervisor HSE
Trainee Supervisor - Tech

How Do You Apply?

1. Candidates should submit their CVs and other material to in the manner specified.
2. Applicants must send in their applications within 15 days.
3. After reviewing the online applications, the department will get in touch with those who qualify.
4. The appropriate authority retains the right to examine or terminate the hiring procedure at any moment.
5. The application form has to be handed in to the Head HR at the HMC in Taxila, Rawalpindi, located on Hattar Road.

Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex Jobs 2023 | Apply this Email

Taxila Heavy Mechanical Complex Jobs 2023 | Apply this Email

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